Exhibit A - Surat Terbuka kepada Jawatankuasa Unduk Ngadau KDCA (Aduan dan Bantahan Penganjuran Unduk Ngadau 2011) From Mr Melton Martin
I find some of his points are very relevant. Like how the contestants have to do hair and make-up twice in 2 days and having to bear extra costume rental cost. It's not cheap! Some of his other points, however were a wee bit accusative, without proper and valid proof.
Some people might think this guy is stupid but I think he's brave for having enough courage to speak up rather than talking behind as anon. Kudos to Mr, Melton Martin
With all things said, I would like to congratulate Bo Tiza Disimon for winning Unduk Ngadau 2011. I pity you for having to face all the haters. Be strong. It comes with the title babe. You want it, you got it.